Saturday, April 21, 2012

Your Ego and Guy Ritchie's Film, Revolver free dvd downloads

Wow. I only found about this movie about six weeks ago, and already, I've watched it five occasions. It took me 3 occasions to genuinely settle in to what I was watching. The first time seeing it, I couldn't make a decision if I was watching a revenge film or an action flick. It really is neither, while that is how it was marketed, from all I can find out about "Revolver". This film is concerning the person self wanting to defeat the false ego.

We are all born lacking self awareness. That ordinarily does not start till around 18 months or so. At that point we commence becoming more conscious of ourselves and surroundings. We are able to react to specific events and catalog them away for future use by our brains. And which is also what starts to occur on a bigger and bigger scale as we age. We begin to create a personality and trains of thought based on what we expertise and understand. We start off to develop up a protective self,american buy movie, the ego. As we age, we nurture it and protect it. We believe we are protecting ourselves and within a physical sense possibly we're. But mentally, we are basically carrying out what the voice in our heads tells us to do. We develop automatic reactions and thoughts. Our ego, or false self, is that voice inside your head that says "I hope you hit a telephone pole." when someone cuts you off in visitors. It's that voice who returns any type of negativity with negativity. It really is what we do. If we really feel attacked or wronged, we believe we need to react to defend ourselves. But why? Is responding to a negative using a negative helping us mature as human beings? Will doing so lead to a happier self? Are negative responses leading to positive feelings and situations later down the road? In my life, I've located the answer those questions to be no.

In "Revolver", the primary character, Jake Green (Jason Statham), is imprisoned and after that released soon after seven years. The responsible party seems to become Dorothy Macha (Ray Liotta, inside a greater than strong effort). Macha has every thing someone could want. Wealth, power, material possessions, and a life of total leisure. Except for the underlying feeling that it all hangs by a thread, that his happiness is thrown out the window for the perception of power and superiority. As Green leaves prison, he makes attempts to strike back at Macha, by way of thoughts procedures he learned in prison. But as he begins to obtain his pound of flesh out of Macha, he finds that he has only a brief time to live, but two con guys, Avi and Zach (played by Andre Benjamin & Vincent Pastore) tell Green they can save him if he does exactly what they say. Green reluctantly agrees and the film carries on from there; Green attempting to save himself by letting go and letting somebody else make his decisions.

If you plan on seeing the film, and don't want spoilers,paganini dvd download, I don't intend to give you any. A couple have and will slip out, but the movie won't be ruined by knowing anything. It's not a film you can definitely get in touch with unless you have dove into it a time or three.

The ego is powerful in most everyone. Director Guy Ritchie shoves that down the throat of the viewer, even if the viewer can't see the forest for the trees. The character Macha, has everything anyone could ever want. But, you never see him enjoy anything. He is in a constant battle to keep up appearances, to avenge humiliation, and to shield himself from enemies that may only be the manifestation of his own fear, and uncertainty....both of which flutter just below the surface of the character. The character is all ego. All action and reaction is done to save face, avoid ridicule, and to seem in control. It's something I can relate to when I stop and examine how I've lived my life and how I've reacted to every major situation in my life. And yeah, day to day, I can see my ego defending itself in the smallest of experiences. By becoming mindful of the present, I've started being able to slap the ego back and respond to each moment of my life inside a way that benefits me and anyone involved in the most positive way. Even if that means seemingly giving up power, seeming weak to others, or allowing myself to be humbled. For you Bible folks.....that would be the very heart of "turning the other cheek" and part of "do unto others...." A negative reaction to a negative situation never brings conclusion. It can only lead to more negativity, even if it isn't immediately apparent. React with love rather than defending the ego.

Most of "Revolver" is metaphor. You need to watch the film as if you are seeing parts of the lead characters minds working. The film has very little sense of time period or place. It is depressingly brilliant in its' look and really feel. The bright lights and glitter seem too overbearing to become real and the dullness of the streets reflect misery and/or unhappiness. It is only when Green is talking with his new "friends" over a game of chess that the surroundings seem to become settled and normal. So, inside a sense, when he is figuring out who he is and starting to discover that he has an enemy, but the enemy is inside his thoughts,movie downloads free online, that's when he is the most in touch with himself and almost pleased. If you go into the movie attempting to watch it, as pure entertainment, that's exactly what it shows you, (examples, "Oceans 11" or "Armageddon") you will be severely disappointed. You have to allow your thoughts to consider that each part of the film is showing you something that's familiar, but you just have not figured out how to see it yet. That is why the film works so well on repeated viewings. There is one scene which is all about the Biblical story of the children of Israel and the Egyptians. Watching the movie with the commentary on is very enlightening, but I don't suggest that if you truly want to tackle the film on your own and try to make sense and meaning on your terms. Draw your own conclusions before giving in to the commentary.

The film only gets a 16% from critics on and that is about right, given the things that are criticized in regards to the film. Most of the critics were watching the movie, not experiencing the film. Why? Because they can't understand what it means. They are not open to the metaphors in the film that refer to the mind. They have no frame of reference for exploring the false sense of self. Again, it really is not that they are stupid or bad film is that (notice how I word it,buy movies for cheap, this isn't a put down) they CAN'T understand it. Following all I have explained to this point, it can be made no more obvious than in how Roger Ebert chose to talk concerning the film. In his words, it really is obvious that he has no understanding that the film is not "Lock, Stock, & Two Smoking Barrels" or "Snatch". He is looking at it for immediate sensory satisfaction, not as a piece of art to be poured over, thought about, then discussed. is what Ebert said;

"The plot. What is the plot? Jason Statham has spent seven years in jail, between a con man in the cell on one side and also a chess master on the other. Back on the street, he walks into a casino run by his old enemy Ray Liotta and wins a fortune at the table. Did he cheat, or what? I dunno. Liotta sics some hit guys on him. Then two mysterious strangers (Vincent Pastore and Andre Benjamin) materialize in Statham's life at just such moments when they are inside a position to save it. Who, oh who, could these two guys, one of whom plays chess, possibly be?"

I find it unbelievable that Ebert missed it all so badly. He's a major league film critic who wrote a review without wanting to learn what the film was about. That's a very unprofessional rant. He asks what the plot is, but fails to address it inside a learned manner. It is all one dimensional to his eye. Oh, well, on with the show.....

Our egos control most of us and most of what we do. That systematic building of responses and actions that happen in an instant without us even giving a believed, are part of that ego. It can be changed. The ego is part of what gives us confidence and tries to see to our "well being" at all instances. While there appears to be nothing wrong with that, is it how you seriously want to reside? Is it how you want to really feel? Frankly,play movie online for free, I'm tired of uncertainty, fear, arrogance, and anger determining my responses to what life offers me. These things have held me back and continue to do so. If I didn't stop and be mindful of my life and the fact that I am going to die, there is no way I would have made the personal strides I have made. Some may not think they are positive, but in my skin, most of what I have let go of has made me a much happier human being. I'm wiggling free of the ego. Hell, I just quit my job of 15 years. Odd thing is, other than the "voice" telling me that I was an idiot and I should just stick with the safeness and stability of where I am, my mother has been the only other individual to have a unfavorable view of what I've done. Is it a coincidence that the false self, the guarding of the self by my ego happens to agree with my mom? The individual who raised me and without a doubt was responsible for some of the negative traits in my character as well as the positive? Not knocking mom. Just saying that we all have influences and stimulus. They have shaped who we are. But,free dvd downloads, if those things shaped us, then are we who we think we are? We didn't make conscious decisions to become the people we're. It was all built by learning or being taught how others behave.

I urge anyone who is even mildly interested in this stuff to do some soul searching. Think about how you react to the world every single moment of your life. Is it all unfavorable? Are you constantly kicking others (even if just within your head) to make sure you really feel safe and superior? If someone who made your hamburger forgets the pickle, do you need to ask them how smart they have to become to make a burger or do you just ask them to take care of the mistake? If your kid spills milk on the floor, do you need to scream and overreact or could you just help him/her clean up the mess and assure them that the world isn't ending? Which reaction in these scenarios creates the best result for everyone involved? Which reactions will likely allow the event to become inconsequential and which could spiral into more negativity, even going beyond the parties involved?

The end of "Revolver" involves a sort of show down between Green and Macha. It is the finale'....the "high noon" shootout. Green confronts Macha, his fear of elevators, and his fear of humiliation all within a five minute period that is certainly brilliantly acted by Statham and Liotta. Liotta's "Macha" and Statham's "Jake Green" make their decisions and the results are obvious. Choose to become a slave of the ego or choose to be in control of your every moment. The film came down to that within a very powerful way. Again, Liotta is great in this scene.

So, I've kind of half assed gave you a lecture on ego and sort of given you some help on how to watch Guy Ritchie's "Revolver". What's it worth? In regards to the same thing the rest of my blogs are worth. I hope any of you who read this and are truly wanting to move towards a way of thinking that allows you to become released from caring how others perceive you and/or want to prioritize how you feel about yourself, study up on ego, mindfulness, and consciousness. If I died tomorrow, I will die knowing that pushing back against my self-serving ego saved my life.

Article Source: Top films netflix

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